“Success is Easy, but so is Neglect” – Jim Rohn
Neglect is an easy trap to fall into. This is especially true during college. We have so many options outside of what we need to do, that neglecting the important things becomes easy. We no longer have Mom and Dad to push us to do the things that we need to do. We don’t realize that we become our own parents once we enter college.
Sometimes we have to ask ourselves “Really?!” With all that we have invested in school. With all the things that a successful college career can produce in our lives, are we really going to neglect the very reason why we’re in college.
Are we really going to allow 4 years to pass without developing our foundation, building relationships with those that matter, achieving our academic goals and more?
The “Really?” question is one that we can ask ourselves no matter what situation we’re in. If we find ourselves neglecting the things that we know will push us to our dreams, it’s a great opportunity to ask ourselves “Really?” Once we ask this question the next step is to identify why we’ve veered, how can we get back on track, then taking consistent action on our goals and dreams.
I can remember several times where I’ve had to ask myself this question. I’ve set goals only to find myself neglecting them after time. Really?! We’re all much better that!
Let’s get after everything that we want!