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Instagram Start Smart Daily: How This year can be different for You!

This was the very first Instagram Start Smart Daily post! It’s amazing how time has flown.

It’s amazing how we start each year with so much excitement and enthusiasm, only to lose that enthusiasm within a few months. In fact, we start many things with excitement and enthusiasm only to lose it soon after. In college we say “this semester I’m getting a 4.0”, “I’m going to study like never before”, “I’m going to meet as many people as possible this year”, “I’m going to stretch myself and grow.

The problem is that we rarely follow up. We may maintain that enthusiasm for a short period, but when it’s said it done we don’t produce the results that we set out to.

The solution:

1. Say little and do much.

2. The moment you say that you’re going to do something, create a plan on how you’ll get there.

3. Once you have your plan, make execution your number one priority. Make your focus the steps that it takes to get to your end result. Focus on the steps and overall plan.

4. When you fall short on your plan. Recommit. Don’t let one slip, deter you from overall success.

5. Stay focused. Distractions WILL come. Don’t let daily distractions, hinder your progress.


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